Recipe Image

orangefleshed sweet potatoes, large eggs at room temperature, teaspoons butter at room temperature, cup milk, teaspoon kosher salt or to taste, pinch cayenne pepper, fried sage leaves


calories: 219.9 calories, carbohydrateContent: 29.8 g, cholesterolContent: 192.6 mg, fatContent: 7.4 g, fiberContent: 4.3 g, proteinContent: 9.1 g, saturatedFatContent: 3.1 g, servingSize, : sodiumContent: 648.8 mg, sugarContent: 7 g, transFatContent, : unsaturatedFatContent

Sweet Potato Souffles

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It's a universal fact that people love puffy food, souffles being one of most versatile. As long as you don't knock all the air out of the egg whites in the batter, not much can actually go wrong. Since mashed sweet potato is the base, these souffles are even easier than the traditional method that requires a saucy base. They'll deflate quickly after exiting the oven, so hurry and snap those photos! Serve with cayenne-seasoned maple syrup if you like.

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