Recipe Image

Granny Smith apple peeled cored and coarsely shredded, Granny Smith apples peeled cored and sliced, cup brown sugar, cup golden raisins, sheet frozen puff pastry thawed, egg, cup milk


calories: 501.2 calories, carbohydrateContent: 87.9 g, cholesterolContent: 31.8 mg, fatContent: 16.5 g, fiberContent: 3.5 g, proteinContent: 5.6 g, saturatedFatContent: 4.3 g, servingSize, : sodiumContent: 130.3 mg, sugarContent: 62.2 g, transFatContent, : unsaturatedFatContent

Easy Apple Strudel

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This apple strudel recipe is very simple to make, yummy and best of all, inexpensive.

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