Recipe Image

cups allpurpose flour, teaspoon baking soda, teaspoon salt, cup unsalted butter melted, cup packed brown sugar, cup white sugar, tablespoon vanilla extract, egg, egg yolk, cups semisweet chocolate chips


calories: 284.7 calories, carbohydrateContent: 40.1 g, cholesterolContent: 42 mg, fatContent: 13.9 g, fiberContent: 1.5 g, proteinContent: 2.8 g, saturatedFatContent: 8.4 g, servingSize, : sodiumContent: 110.7 mg, sugarContent: 27.7 g, transFatContent, : unsaturatedFatContent

Best Big, Fat, Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie

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These cookies are the pinnacle of perfection! If you want a big, fat, chewy cookie like the kind you see at bakeries and specialty shops, then these are the cookies for you!

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