Recipe Image

cup mayonnaise, tablespoons white sugar, tablespoons lemon juice, tablespoon vinegar, teaspoon ground black pepper, teaspoon salt


calories: 93.9 calories, carbohydrateContent: 9.3 g, cholesterolContent: 5.1 mg, fatContent: 6.5 g, fiberContent: 0.1 g, proteinContent: 0.2 g, saturatedFatContent: 1 g, servingSize, : sodiumContent: 236.2 mg, sugarContent: 5.5 g, transFatContent, : unsaturatedFatContent

Easy Coleslaw Dressing

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A creamy coleslaw dressing that can be made with ingredients you already have! You can pour it immediately over a 14-ounce package of coleslaw mix or refrigerate until needed.

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