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tablespoon flax seed meal or wheat germ, banana, cup frozen blueberries, tablespoon peanut butter, teaspoon honey, cup plain yogurt, cup milk


calories: 250.6 calories, carbohydrateContent: 34.4 g, cholesterolContent: 13.4 mg, fatContent: 9.2 g, fiberContent: 3.9 g, proteinContent: 10.8 g, saturatedFatContent: 3.2 g, servingSize, : sodiumContent: 132.4 mg, sugarContent: 24.7 g, transFatContent, : unsaturatedFatContent

Blueberry, Banana, and Peanut Butter Smoothie

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This is the perfect smoothie to get your day moving, to give you a boost, or to serve as a kid-friendly snack!

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