cups fresh spinach, cup almond milk, tablespoon peanut butter, tablespoon chia seeds, leaf kale, sliced frozen banana
calories: 325.1 calories, carbohydrateContent: 46.1 g, cholesterolContent, : fatContent: 13.9 g, fiberContent: 9.7 g, proteinContent: 10 g, saturatedFatContent: 2.1 g, servingSize, : sodiumContent: 293.1 mg, sugarContent: 23.6 g, transFatContent, : unsaturatedFatContent
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A delicious way to add more veggies to your diet! This recipe is very versatile. You can change out the greens with whatever you want. Chia seeds give you added protein and energy. Hemp seeds will give you a boost of omegas!